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bill collaros
bill collaros's picture

As the WRABF World Championships has come to and end, it is time to reflect Australia's performance and also just as importantly how we will address the future WRABF World competitions starting with FINLAND in 2025.

Our team represented well in 2023 but really stood out in volunteering with their help to help get the very poorly run event back on some sort of track as Aussies do, we should be proud of them.

In Air as it is not shot as much here, we were not able to get any results in the pointy end of the field.

Our Juniors excelled winning multiple golds, silver and bronze across the rimfire events. Our Adults struggled a bit with only about 2 in the top 10 and 1 bronze team medal. This has been evident over the past few Worlds and thus we have a new qualifying process attached again FYI starting with this years RBA Nationals, the flyer for this is also attached.

The new qualifier devised by our RBA Committee and ratified by the TRA Board will i believe give Australia a stronger team and much better chance at medals.

As you will see whoever makes the A and B Teams will shoot all events in Air and the same goes goes for the Rimfire Qualifiers, this means they are all round more consistent shooters in the discipline and also at the Worlds they keep shooting through rather than just 1 or 2 events.

Finally a reminder start to think about the new rules that will start from now main things being International Sporter Rimfire is now up to a 12X Scope and Front rests can now be tradition type we have or sand bag or a bi pod on any of the Air and Rimfire classes.

Dig's picture
The Future - God help us

Whilst I agree with the comments that the event was poorly run and it was to the Aussie's credit that they stepped up to ensure it was actually an event, the rest of it regarding the selection process and the reasons would have to be the biggest load of self serving drivel I've ever read on this forum. No doubt it will be deleted by the author very quickly. Go ahead I dare you.

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
No Neil

I will leave it as is, everyone can have their say as u have.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

BigStick's picture

If we could see some results it would be nice.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Hi Kim

I agree, but i would say wrapping up the event and or travelling home has taken over. Hopefully everyone gets to see them over rhe next few days or and

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture

Results are now all up

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

BRT's picture
As a matter of interest Bill,

As a matter of interest Bill, who and how decided this "new" selection criteria now?
You mentioned the RBA committee? But half of them are overseas aren't they? Besides that how would they get to consult with the shooters they represent within their State about this. Why does it need to happen so urgently anyway?
The first qualifying event is Sydney. For those keen they should approach it as trying to get the best results they can. No one ever shoots as a team here so it's all about shooters shooting to get the best result.

For what it's worth I think this world body, WRABF is rapidly loosing credibility. At meetings they held in Pilzen they appear to have changed a lot of rules. Certainly some rules which affect the equipment changes. One example is, deciding to change IS class scope magnification from 6.5x to 12x. No notice, no consultation with the actual shooters of the world. The VAST majority of which are not actually at that championships in Pilzen. Lots and lots of other things we hear about too, but not confirmed as far as rule changes go. Possibly targets. Rests. Yet this organisation still can't get the basics right. They don't seen focused on those. Only some self interests maybe. The fundamentals for an organisation running the only championships which they are responsible for, World events, are things like a credible scoring system and a proper results service. Something that repeatably fails.

I also feel it would be important to first hear directly from all of the shooters who are returning from Pilzen what their individual reports are. In regards to selections and to their results. There sure could be some other circumstances affecting the results here, including but not only, the quality of ammo available in Australia laterly. It is a world wide problem for sure, yet a larger problem for countries like us who have access to smaller choices.

For what it's worth I think a major issue not fully understood in these selection criteria's is...the focus is on selecting TEAMS. Selecting TEAMS of shooters representing Australia. Yet the whole events (World Champs and World Cups) of the WRABF are not really about proper team event shooting anyway. This comment might offend some people but...think hard about it. In reality the way this whole thing is setup is...they are championships for individuals and team results for each team is calculated out of the individual results. This is not any criticism at all of the results Australian shooters have obtained as a team. Often bloody amazing given these circumstances. The squadding etc just is focused on individuals shooting. In fact it is possible and happens often that you could be in a team with 2 other shooters, yet 2 of you get to be on exactly the same relay at the same time!
It has happened in WRABF teams and I have been on teams where that happened.
Also note the rules allow every team to be finally nominated just prior to start of actual shooting. It seems to me it was always the intention of the WRABF to be individual shooting event? A teams thing was an add on.
It would be interesting to evaluate properly how other countries decide their shooters? On individual results and then their batch their teams at the Championships? In Australia's case the "selected" teams don't change, but other countries can and do that get changed.
If I understand this "new" Australia selection criteria correctly it will basically be 3 Gun results for selection of the Rimfire shooters? That obvious totally favors the good IS shooters in reality. Also means those who just do not shoot IS get no chance to be selected? Seems odd. Lots of good shooters do not even shoot IS. So all this highlights a problem when you focus on a selection of "Teams".

Always been my opinion, proper Team shooting is carried out differently and better in other Benchrest shooting events (for World Championships), compared to what happens in WRABF.
In the others the bench squadding and rotation is carried out with the countries teams allocated. Then the 1st shooters from each country shoot in the first relay, the 2nd shooters from each country shoot 2nd relay etc. It is "shoulder to shoulder" country verses country. Team Vs team. It also allows each shooter in the one team to more directly work together as they follow each other in turn. Never shoot on the same relay.
Some may disagree with me. But I do have a lot of experience with proper team shooting including Benchrest Centrefire World Championships. That is essentially a Teams (country Vs Country) event and the individual results are pulled out at the end. Then also the Benchrest Rimfire WBSF World Championships who have proper team shooting for first two days, then after that, different squatting for proper individual shooting for next two days. Two distinct results. These two examples of team shooting are very competitive and very difficult.

Of course the other major problem with WRABF is so many rifle classes. It's OK to have a lot of classes but how do you expect shooters who may also qualify for the Rimfire teams and Air Rifle teams and need to take up to 6 rifles each?
Sure, I know many say just share. Gotta tell you though, ....... that is just BS for a World Championships.

Just my two cents worth. I have no skin in this game as I am not trying to make "teams" or qualify necessarily anymore. I would just like to see some sanity and good outcomes that all shooters feel is fair and credible.

Annie & Stuart Elliott

phil's picture
12x scope change

Well I have few pissed off customers. 12x generally are heavier. No notice what so ever. Fork out a couple of grand and chop the stock to be competitive. No just toss it and build new . FFS. Qualifying with half the field knobbled. Organizations should. treat their grass roots with a bit more respect.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Understandable Phil

And sorry to hear that but we shoot these matches under wrabf international rules. They had their meeting and the world has voted, it seems many like the scope.power increase and we have to live with it.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

Dig's picture
World Meeting

And that is a meeting by Bill's very own admission (TEAM KAOS Facebook post) was one which was unconstitutional under the WRABF's own Constitution. So how can any decisions be enforceable or upheld. I'm with you Phil. shooters are being treated with less respect than they deserve. And Bill's excuse of "oh well, it was the previous committee's fault and we have a new one now so we have to move forward" simply does not exonerate the new committee for avoiding the issue and pushing it under the rug because it "wasn't their fault". The new Committee has inherited an issue they have to address and the quicker the better.
Go on delete this post. I dare you again.

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Nothing will be deleted

The answers from wrabf are on tra face book page and also on bench rest bulletin.

I have no reason to converse with u on the subject any more but by all means keep being a dick.

And keep sending illegal requests.. bye

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

Dig's picture
Your level of debate it slipping

So now we sink to personal abuse. Usually happens when someone is loosing an argument. It's all they got. Just saying...

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Not really

More truth and you are way out of line... The end

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Hi Stuart

Hi Stuart,

I am more than happy to answer your questions as best i can because your approach is fair enough and not in the same vain as the other personal and nasty attacks, which i will not answer or give credence to.

Below is a summary that I hope covers what you are asking as like you and others i am getting tired again of the politics and repeating stuff.

1. I agree the WRABF has dropped the ball running 2023 and the running of the AGM was not good either. In saying that i hope the NEW WRABF committee see the issues past and present and act accordingly.

2. The NEW Qualifying process was the result of many talks at last years RBA Nationals. This was taken to the RBA Committee of which 3 were over in Pilsen and worked out many months ago after the TRA Board ratified the decisions. IT IS NOT NEW it was done ages ago, as such it was advertised at least 6 months ago and sent out on face book, web site, benchrest bulletin and with the RBA Flyer that you and everyone that has entered would have seen.

3. The new process and results, whichever way we go, there will be people not happy, this was the most majority way we could try and change things BUT i/we do acknowledge their is an issue with Juniors, as such now that we know where/who 2025 will be i will be encouraging our committee and the TRA Board to write to the WRABF and ask that Junior Selection not be part of the allocated 6 or 9 spots each country gets. How that will go i do not know as yet.

4. New rules and rumoured new rules. The WRABF AGM Agenda and proposed new rules were sent to us a month before the event, we only had time to consider this with the RBA Committee and TRA Board, we are also only 1 vote of over 37 countries. Sporter is now up to 12 power but people can still use 6 power if they wish, same with front rest rules you still use traditional or go to the allowances of bi pod or just a bag. The proposal about splitting the Air and Rimfire WC we are still waiting on official notice as the how and when that would like. The NEW thing only discussed over there and not advised to all delegates with NO consultation is about changing the 50m target to the 25m target, again we will need to get official notice but my opinion on that if it was voted in it would need proper consultation, voting and a lead in time frame of years not months.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Further news...

We have written to the WRABF for some clarification and new rules, agm and time frames. RBA Committee is also meeting in a few weeks to discuss this and November RBA Nationals.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture

We have received correspondence from the WRABF as follows;

1. Up to 12 x Scope for International Sporter Scope is immediate.
2. Bi pods and sand bags as an option to a front rest are also immediate.
3. There was no mention or reply regarding changing 50m targets to smaller 25m targets.
4. We have requested that the WRABF consider 3 additional guaranteed positions to the already guaranteed 6 and that these be exclusive for Juniors. The WRABF and FINLAND will only consider this if there is room after initial 6 spots are issued to all attending countries. So we are on a bit of hold on that point and our qualifying is as it was published with the entry to RBA Nationals amongst other avenues and media.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

Scott k
Scott k's picture
My views

Wrabf 2023 pilsen
Small report not going into huge detail
Take aside what we know re organisation and the amount of help team Australia did to help run the competition

Big positives Sonia and glen did a great job as captains
The Team spirit was high everyone gained some new friends and the support given to the junior shooters from team members was excellent .

As Bill acknowledged we probably need to compete a bit more in air rifle , but as a competitor the knowledge gained talking to the members of countries that specifically shoot air I have picked up some very helpful information I don’t think our skill level is below par it’s more the understanding of the rifles bar pressure and the way they sort pellets etc ,

Rimfire all
Members shot well some stand out performances

One thing I did notice and what I believe will improve us going forward is the selection policy
For the individuals that shot air then the rimfire and spent trigger time on the range form picked up , working out range conditions, wind etc As the event unfolded

for those who only shot 1 event say heavy
I believe they struggled with the lack of trigger time
a 3 day break between practices and comp day and with so many team members on practice day only shot 2 cards each

I believe a strong team of 6-9 shooting all 3 rimfire events would lift our results dramatically

Peter Armstrong Mk1

When people travel to big international matches we all want to shot in all the matches. But if the objective is to improve our chances of winning medals selecting teams based on 3 gun results in qualifying matches when there is no 3 gun team medals is a step backwards. At a world championship they are all individual matches and if winning medals is important then the highest qualifier in each class should be the ones offered a place on the team first. If some don’t like like that all they need to do is shoot better qualifying scores.

The one point people neglect is the art of winning big matches you must have a good mental game. You need to prepare yourself to be at your best at a given place and time and if you run into any problems you just work around the problem it’s what winners do.


RBA HoF #1 (2007)

Awards for Multigun

Peter, the rules now have awards for the Multigun, and many shooters, me included would take the 3 gun champion trophy over an event Gold any day. I will not travel and shoot WRABF events if I am not shooting all three rimfire events. The old team selection made it just about impossible for an Australian shooter to be eligible for these awards.
Given you have 2 individual event Gold medals I am certain you would feel different.

G.7 Awards:
Grand Aggregate Individual Championship based two-gun aggregates – air rifle LV and HV
Grand Aggregate Individual Championship based two-gun aggregates – rimfire LV and HV
Grand Aggregate Individual Championship based three-gun aggregates - rimfire Int.Sp, LV and HV
Grand Aggregate Individual Championship based on 5 gun aggregates Air Rifle LV and HV, RF IS, LV and HV - this is at
the organizers discretion.

Peter Armstrong Mk1

I’m the same I’d only go if I was shooting all 3 classes, but when some are saying the qualifying is being changed so we have a better chance of winning medals,I think that is total BS.

No I wouldn’t give up one of my individual WC gold medals for a 3 gun gold medal, but it would of been nice to have a WC silver medal for the 3 gun that I deserved, the cheap #*%€ only hand out a gold medal for the 3 gun and that’s the only time they do that.

The Bottom line is I was 4th overall at one WC and second at another and the truth is I just wasn’t good enough.


RBA HoF #1 (2007)

Dig's picture
Side bet

Would you like to bet me $50 that a team based on the new selection policy will bring home more medals from Finland in 2025 than we did in 2023? And because I'm getting old, I'll make allowance for it in my will because I could be dead by then.

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Dig's picture
Improving performances with range time

"....I believe a strong team of 6-9 shooting all 3 rimfire events would lift our results dramatically....". Didn't seem to work for Stefan, 22nd, 33rd and 58th. Sully 34th, 109th and 19th. Stuart Neale only shot Light and Heavy rimfire. 35th and 71st. I'm sure they all tried their best, but as we all know, there's the "rub of the green" You can pull a detail/bench combination where the you can manage the conditions and other times it crucifies you. And before you say they weren't chosen using the 3 gun selection policy, they would have been shooters 1 and 3 in the A team. Facts don't lie. Just saying.

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Scott k
Scott k's picture

Usually the highest scores in the 3 events will be in the top 9 of the 3 gun anyway
We are the only county that send multiple teams per each class and seem to be behind the 8 ball so fact or fiction ???
Like I have said teams don’t need to be set can change per event to suit each event

Scott k
Scott k's picture
All in fun

Yeah let’s make it $100 though at least one of us can buy a decent bottle

Dig's picture
Side bet

OK You're on. You want my bank account details now or do you want to wait. And if I do loose, I wont be unhappy that's for sure.Just so we are clear on this. You are betting they will and I'm betting they wont. Right

Team KAOS - Catch us if you can! - Ya got no chance
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Scott k
Scott k's picture

Yeah I’m betting they will and unsay they won’t
Happy to wait till it’s done and dusted I’m a cash man

Scott k
Scott k's picture
Numbers game

How many from the top of each event didn’t go because they only made the one event a small minority can afford to go shoot one event but if shooting 3 would have gone eg brett Wilson proven world class shooter
Then we have Rebecca’s unfortunate circumstances
Then we have the vacant spots given back where shooters could have shot as individuals and gained trigger time
So many different circumstances lead to minimal medals
Again picking the teams over there could have helped
Had David keen shoot good in sporter and awesome in lv but couldn’t shoot hv because teams were locked in

Scott k
Scott k's picture

So u don’t believe that the top 3 from 3 gun , then top 3 from heavy then top 3 from lv would give us a better chance than taking the top 9 from each event ? With some people only shooting 1 event

Peter Armstrong Mk1

We are self funded travelling to world championships and it’s more attractive to do more shooting when you get there and as I said I’d only go again if I was in all 3 classes.

Now take the WC in Brisbane selection was based on results in each class. Now in sporter we had 7 shooters in the top 10, two In LV, four in HV. Now if the selection was based on 3 gun results for Brisbane it might have been 2 in sporter, zero in LV, one in HV

People can have the selection process anyway they want but trying to make out using the 3 gun results for selection will improve our chances of winning medals is crap.


RBA HoF #1 (2007)

Scott k
Scott k's picture

Only 3 members are picked from the 3 gun
The other 6 would be picked from results in hv and lv

We had more spots available in Brisbane, there are more shooter now from other countries so taking only 6-9 shooters is even hard we only had 6 spots for hv then 2 junior and one individual makes selection harder than past events

Time for my 2c

Time for my 2c worth this is long so don’t read if it does not affect you.
Sorry I have been slow replying but my two night jobs have kept me very busy and I wanted to do my research first.
Disclosure I am a current RBA committee member and have some insight to some of the questions and issues raised on this thread.
Most of the discussion seems to be around Bill’s statement. “The new qualifier devised by our RBA Committee and ratified by the TRA Board will I believe give Australia a stronger team and much better chance at medals”.
As Bill explained to Stuart this is not a decision the committee made in isolation or recently. Well before the 2022 nationals a meeting was planned and advertised as best as we could both prior to the event and during the event. There was a good role-up of shooters at the meeting and selection policy was discussed as one of the major issues. The majority censes at the meeting was to return to the selection policy that was used prior to the Brisbane world titles 2015 selection method, which is similar to the policy being used for 2025.
The policy was changed for Brisbane 2015, being a “home” event there was not the perceived disadvantages of traveling to the other side of the world, so a wider team selection made sense. Given not as many from the rest of the world travelled to Australia this also opened more opportunities to add additional team members to fill vacant spots. Good results followed and some on this forum would have you believe that the team selection was the cause of the better results. I would argue the home ground advantage was the main reason for better results.
After Brisbane 2015, the selection policy was returned to the old system used prior to 2015 and things moved along. The first selection event was run in Melbourne with this policy advertised and it was not until there were major changes at the RBA committee that the selection policy for South Africa was changed. The new committee decided to change the policy before the 2nd qualifying event for SA to be like the Brisbane system. I don’t know of any meetings with shooters that took place for this change, I am not aware of any shooter consultation, I certainly wasn’t asked! But the change was made, and the team went to SA.
The results from SA are not complete on the website but I think Australia adult shooters got one individual and one team medal best I can tell (could be wrong). I think the Juniors got a further five medals.
Similar selection policy was used for Pilsen and the team returned from Pilsen with one senior medal and five junior medals.
Why have I separated the two medal classes? Well Neil’s comment “Would you like to bet me $50 that a team based on the new selection policy will bring home more medals from Finland in 2025 than we did in 2023?” made me go looking.
In Pilsen there were over 120 Snr shooters in every event but in the Jnr events there were 7 in each of the Air events, we had 1 Jnr shooter in each of these events for no medals. There were 4 Jnrs in Sporter, 2 of them from Australia. LV and HV rimfire events had 5 Jnr shooters each with 2 Aus shooters in each. Fact, in Sporter both of our Jnr shooters could have closed their eyes and only fired 1 shot at the target and one of them would have won bronze. I am certain you can see what I am saying. Now that makes me sound harsh, and I don’t mean to be Cameron Frost shot incredibly well for 10th in the 3 gun outright. Top 10 at the world titles in the 3 gun is an amazing achievement that should be recognised.
Neil’s bet is pretty safe, because he counts the Jnr medals for his bet, and I guess to follow this logic we should send a team of 6 Jnrs to Finland because that will be by far our best chance of winning medals.
So why are Jnrs not in the current selection policy for Finland. More history, in the past we routinely received 12 places for these events top 9 for Snr shooters and 3 for Jnr shooters. For Pilsen and I guess for every event that will be held in the Northern hemisphere from now on we will not get 12 positions, we are only guaranteed 6. The RBA selection policy for Pilsen had places guaranteed for the Jnrs and after Brisbane the RBA committee decided not to include Jnrs selection in the top 6 or even 9 positions. To be honest I feel this was a knee jerk reaction made by the committee due to comments made by some of the Jnr shooters at the Brisbane 2022 national titles and we are trying very hard to correct the situation for Finland but with only 6 spots on the team it might be difficult. But at least we have tried in the past and into the future we will try, how does SSAA go with the 10 person teams they send the rimfire Benchrest world titles?.
Part of my research was to check team size and try and justify Scott’s comments that the larger team hurt our results. To my surprise Australia was not the largest team in attendance, we were the 2nd largest but a few other countries were very similar, and they got better results. There goes that theory, and I believed it before I checked.
This research revealed an interesting statistic. South Africa had 17 shooters in both Air events, 13 shooters in Sporter and Rimfire LV and 11 and Rimfire HV by far the biggest team. I guess it helps if your country has the sitting president at the time of place allocations.

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