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State Records

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robbycar's picture
State Records

Thanks Maureen Edwards for the idea of adding State records. she sent me a list of WA records, and I spent most of this morning compiling a list of NSW records.

Other states may want to follow the idea.


Tony Allinson
Good luck Rob. I compiled NSW

Good luck Rob. I compiled NSW state records when I was delegate about 20 years ago (no computer results to refer to then just magazines). Certificates were issued and all was well but then this info was passed on to another individual, as the State delegate, and they have never been seen since.


robbycar's picture

Thanks Tony. I saw that document you wrote when I was a delegate before, not sure what happened to it.

My records really dont have much before 1990, so if anyone has a state or national record certificate for a better score than shown here, please let me know.

Have already had one response today and have made the alteration.


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