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Hunter Class HOF

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Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Hunter Class HOF

Could someone please tell me or post a list of the people that have been awarded Hunter Class HOF points?
I would like to know!!

Keith Smith

robbycar's picture
Who has the list?

I would be happy to post it here if I had a copy.


BB Administrator

Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Hunter Class HOF

Thanks Rob

It seem to be one of those secret things, you only get to know if you really need to know about it then you are enlightened.


BRT's picture

I am trying to locate the information. Will report back asap.


Annie & Stuart Elliott

Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Hunter Class HOF

Thanks Annie

I wait in anticipation!!


Aussiebob's picture
Kept in the dark

Must be the same place as the funds from the benchrest levy.
No one seems to know who has them how much or what its being used for.

wazza's picture
Just ask the right people

I don't think your comment is really called for, you have passed an opinion without getting off your arse and asking the correct people.
most people shooting know where the benchrest levy money is and what it is used for,
There are no secrets here, so do yourself a good turn ask the right people before you start flapping your gums.


BRT's picture
He knows who to ask Barry. He

He knows who to ask Barry. He just likes flapping his gums I think.


Annie & Stuart Elliott

Aussiebob's picture
Information What information.

Well Wazza For your Information this very Question was asked at an Official Metting a couple of years ago and could not be answered and was going to addressed and to this day as far as i know it still has not been answered. It was the particular meeting where there was an increase in the levey.
The questions were
How much was in the kitty.
Who is in control of the funds.
Who has access to the funds (eg: who can draw on the funds)
What are they to be used for and have any been used and for what purpose.
If you know then you know a lot more that a lot of people.
Maybe this needs to be bought up again at the national meeting as there has to be accountability.

robbycar's picture
You only have to ask

Contact your state delegates and they will be happy to answer any of your questions.

This is totally transparent, and I am at every National BR Meeting, and I certainly do not recall anything that could not be answered.

If you are searching for a conspiracy somewhere, I recommend you look elsewhere.


BB Administrator

Zorba's picture
Rob is correct

There are many people on this forum who have served the discipline of Benchrest well in roles ranging from Range officer thru to state delegate and in some cases as State committee person, State President or National Chair person (or all of those roles at different times). There is no doubt that State Delegates have a role (and indeed a responsibility thru acceptance of the role) to bring matters of substance to and from the National Meeting and report it though to the ranks in the State so they stay well informed. The financial accountability for levy funds is to the SSAA national committee, they holds funds in a bank account in trust for the discipline that raises them.

The agenda for the Next National discipline meeting will close in February (to be ready for Easter), and I would suggest any member who understands the process would/should have raised their issues at the State level first with their delegates. One can't help but draw a conclusion (from a long way away) that the questions have an antagonistic edge to them given you haven't made any effort in your post to suggest what you are searching for or looking to resolve with the answers?

For example, may I ask do you have some sort of Benchrest project at the branch level that your branch committee would like some financial assistance with? Applications for levy funding for worthwhile projects in the BR discipline should be submitted via your delegates to the national Chair. If I remember correctly the focus of the levy is the promotion and development of the discipline through appropriate activities.



Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Hunter Class HOF

Could we please get back on track with my first post.
Could someone please post the Hunter Class HOF points Standings, I believe there is a list with people that have gained HOF points out there.

Keith Smith

BRT's picture
Hunter HOF

I contacted Barry Edgley 2 weeks ago and was told he would post it.


Annie & Stuart Elliott

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