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Benchrest Levy

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Aussiebob's picture
Benchrest Levy

As this subject was taking over from the Benchrest HOF thread i thought vi would move it to here.
As to ZORBA`s Last Post.

There are many people on this forum who have served the discipline of Benchrest well in roles ranging from Range officer thru to state delegate and in some cases as State committee person, State President or National Chair person (or all of those roles at different times). There is no doubt that State Delegates have a role (and indeed a responsibility thru acceptance of the role) to bring matters of substance to and from the National Meeting and report it though to the ranks in the State so they stay well informed. The financial accountability for levy funds is to the SSAA national committee, they holds funds in a bank account in trust for the discipline that raises them.

The agenda for the Next National discipline meeting will close in February (to be ready for Easter), and I would suggest any member who understands the process would/should have raised their issues at the State level first with their delegates. One can't help but draw a conclusion (from a long way away) that the questions have an antagonistic edge to them given you haven't made any effort in your post to suggest what you are searching for or looking to resolve with the answers?

For example, may I ask do you have some sort of Benchrest project at the branch level that your branch committee would like some financial assistance with? Applications for levy funding for worthwhile projects in the BR discipline should be submitted via your delegates to the national Chair. If I remember correctly the focus of the levy is the promotion and development of the discipline through appropriate activities.


This has been in the proper channels for at least 2 years that i am aware of. I spoke to some people by phone who were at the particular STATE BENCHREST Meet who confirmed what was asked and to date nothing has been forth coming.
Barry Edgley was the Queensland state delegate also National and was at the meeting chairing it, it was the 2007 meeting which was posponed from the Harry Madden because of the Oceania comp and was held in March 2008 Rockhampton. We were informed of an increase of the levey but no one could tell the meeting how much was in the account what if anything it was being spent on.
I have had phone calls from other people who read this forum who tell me that they have looked at the minutes for previous National meetings and as far as they are aware there has never been a treasurers report tabled for the Benchrest Levy or any report of what if anything has been spent on what and who approves of the expenditure.
These people on the other thread who say the know all about it seem to be in a select group and if indeed you do know please inform us who do not. And yes it will be bought up again at a State Meeting as the people who are paying into this fund would like to know.
Edited to correct: Actually think i am 12 months out would have been the 2006 meeting held over to 2007.

BRT's picture
Well Mulder, why would I be

Well Mulder, why would I be frantically running around trying to get the answer about what the funds total is just for you?
I am not your State delegate. I don't HAVE to do anything for you.
I'd be happy to try and help anyone who acts reasonably. My experience with you is generally you are not reasonable.
Beside with your current attitude and approach I am less inclined to do anything for you.
As a matter of fact I would guess most other people on this forum, Benchrest Bulletin, would now feel exactly the same.
I regret having to be so strong in this post but I am sure that most people who know me will be aware I am 'holding back'.

Beside this I do not know what the total funds currently held by SSAA from the levy is.

You haven't made a great start in this sport have you Bob? I am not talking about any match scores or results, I am talking about being involved in a positive way. Being Pro active and not Re active. Most people seem to agree that you are yet to actually do anything except winge, bitch, moan, stir the pot and generally annoy everybody on any internet forum that you can get on. Public forums are great for some things but they are not the place to carry out the business of an organisational matter. If you think that is the proper way to do business you are wrong. It's pretty easy to stir up a conspiracy theory on any public forum out there but it's harder to enquire through the right channels about organisational proceedures that involves a process. In QLD you can ask your branch or your zone benchrest representative to make a formal request about these matters through your State Benchrest Delegates who could then answer if they know. Or if they don't know will make enquiries of the National committee Chairman or if it involves the State then the State SSAA exceutive. Within reason you could email the delegates direct and ask them these question yourself. Everybody reading this thread should know that you haven't done that yet. You do have Annie and Phil's email addresses because you annoy them often enough anyway. (my opinion)

Alex posted a reply here previosly that was spot on and also was more polite than he should have been. I suggest you re read it.
Barry W was very reserved in his remarkes and he has rebuffed you in the past on previous posts. Don't expect him or others to hold back in the future.

About the ONLY glimmer of hope we have seen of recent times is that YOU are making noises about running two registeered matches in Mackay this year. If YOU do actually carry through with this and run those properly that will be a good thing and would demonstate a change in the right direction for you. Lets hope it happens and we can all move on because there are plenty of good people all around Australia including in QLD who are trying hard to organise events, keep ranges going and are working within the system just as Alex has said. If you want to work outside the system expect some heat from all quarters I would say.

In the mean time we all saw you make some snipe comment some time back about the two proposed matches in Mackay not on the official calendar. That's most likely because you have yet to follow any official proceedure and request to have your matches registeered. That is; to go through your club and zone benchrest representative to the State Benchrest delegates and apply for registration. Unfortunately it's a lot more work in QLD because there are many more ranges and branches. Still it sure hasn't been a problem for others to deal with. Why you? In fact I know that Annie sent an email up there previously just to check if you or anyone up there had a plan. No response I believe. It appears to me that your only plan is to stir and be a serial internet forum poster. Anyone who doesn't believe me needs just look at some other shooting forums out there on the net. Like Australian Hunting for example. Aussie Bobs total posts are now somewhere near 3150 mostly on the target shooting forum. Must be an expert.


Annie & Stuart Elliott

Aussiebob's picture
Attack the messenger

I see attack is your best defence.
To you its a business to me its a sport and one of the only ones i can still participate in and enjoy.
Lets answer the last statement first the 3150 posts which have been made on another Forum over a few years supposedly mostly in the target shooting section ( your suposition). I don`t tout myself as being and expert.
If you care to read what is posted it is mostly trying to assit people with questions they have asked, and steer them in the right direction also in activly encouraging people to get off their buts and start benchrest at there small club and have a go. I don`t see you with your years of experience jumping in to assist, and yes sure i have the time you may not but at least i am trying and not putting people down.
As to annoying Phil have never contacted the man do not have his email address and untill Annies post on another thread was unaware he was a deligate as last i knew Gavin was. Because we did not have a shooter attending the Harry Madden we are unaware of what took place at the State meeting but yes i have requested a copy of the meeting minutes. Also the times that i have contacted the state Disipline Chairperson it was on offical matters and answering mail that had been sent to me.
If you had read the post you will see i have said i do not expect a figure (amount) to be posted on the forum and that a question was asked of the state deligate at an official meeting and nothing has been forthcoming. And yes i am sure it will be asked again at a state meeting by a branch delegate as this is the correct proceedure.
As to the shoots to be held here in Mackay the Hunter/Class event to be held last weekend in August TED DEY Hunter/Class Challenge will go ahead even if it isnt sanctioned as Ted possably wont live till then but we are hoping he will. He was a founding member of our branch and also branch president for many years and held other positions through the years and enjoyed Hunter benchrest and even tho he cannot get to the range shoots it from his wheelchair in the back yard with his air rifle. This shoot had been discussed with the State disipline chairman and because of a possable clash with the State shoot was rearranged this was to be forwarded back to the disipline chair while i was away but appenatly wasnt but was rectified when i was contacted by Annie 27/12/2008 had not recieved any contact reguarding this matter before that date.
As to this not being the proper place to ask this question. Isnt this the benchrest forum where there is a section for Deligates Only and Technical Commitee and disscusing all things Benchrest.
I rub you up the wrong way coz i ask the questions that others want to know the answers to but dont ask because of this very reaction. I wont Bother posting further on this matter as i see it is a closed shop affair and nobody realy knows what if anything it has ever been used for. At least some information was forth coming that it is controlled by Benchrest National and that it is the delegates who make the decission on submissions from Branches delegates at a state level and i see now Annie has put up a post asking for submissions along those lines.
Oh Just to add at last report the State Executive don`t seem to know anything about it. But thats only second hand i wasnt the one asking.

Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture

Could I ask 2 questions.
1. State Executive of what???
2. Are you a member of the said executive
as every one seems to be asking you the questions???

Keith Smith

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