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UPDATE 2009 Nationals Brisbane

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UPDATE 2009 Nationals Brisbane

We have been able to extend our target line to 30 frames. This means we can take 90 shooters per day. (poor Max!!)

As of today there are 89 nominations for the Rimfire day (Friday 10th). This is for Light and Heavy RF combined. Any new nominations will go onto the list in order of payments received. If needed I will start a waiting list and post it on this site.

If you have nominated and find you cannot attend please notify SSAA Brisbane so we can allocate the position to someone on the waiting list.

The office is posting out receipts to all who have paid. If you haven't received yours yet please give them a call (07 33950911)

Here is the latest list



BRT's picture

Here is the latest update (as of 9th March)
The rimfire day is full and has a waiting list. If you find you are unable to attend and already nominated please phone the SSAA Brisbane club on ph 07 33981749. Fax number for nomination forms is 07 38430187. email is


NEWS - I made an alteration to this list at 6pm 12/3/09

Annie & Stuart Elliott

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