Seb has advised me that he has discontinued production of the standard NEO rest which is replaced with the NEO-X.
The new rest has a number of new features, and is lighter.
Existing orders in the system will be offered the new rests as they become available.
Click here to order
Guys and girls for rimfire benchrest (and maybe centrefire?) u need to ask SEB or ROB when ordering for the solid bottom joined bag without the gap.....the above bag is for F class
Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"
This new rest I believe comes with two types of sand bags. To be compliant with Rimfire rules, the sandbag must not be broken but must make 100% contact with the front stock of the rifle. If you are going to shoot rimfire make sure you order your new rest with the full width sandbag. The two piece sandbag is used for F Class and does not cdomply with WRABF and IRB rules for rimfire competition.
Calm and Relentless