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Hunter Nationals

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robbycar's picture
Hunter Nationals

On-line registration is now open

Hunter Class nationals

Please direct me to a website where I can get information on this event.
Date, classes, rules, Range etc.

Sorry i am still finding my way around all the possible comps to shoot in.


Aussiebob's picture
The main thing to remember

The main thing to remember in Hunter/Class is the light class is restricted to 6x scope and the rimfire can only be 2.25inches wide at anypoint and both C/F & R/F both have to have a working Magazine.
So you will need a spotting scope in Light Class.

On-line registration

OK, I have filled in the on-line registration for light RF and Heavy RF.

I have no idea if it has worked?

Looks like I need to find a spotting scope.


Aussiebob's picture
Good to see

Its good to see a few of you RBA and smallbore shooters have a go at Hunter/Class you will enjoy it.
And Bill you might have fooled the girls years ago telling them 2.25inches is six but there is no way you could fool the blokes telling them six is 2.25" see you all in September Hopefully. Thgere will be plenty of spotting scopes to go around i have a new one comeing at present.

Aussiebob's picture
Hunter Teams

Hi! Peter never heard of State Teams in Hunter/Class as Queensland and NSW are the only two states with much participation as far as i know. But it is a dam good idea might spark a bit of comp from down VIC way.
And yes Bill, Practise and more Practise i will be starting tomorrow only shot the light gun once in the last 12 months and from my scores at the State shoot you could sure tell, so from tomorrow have to knuckle down and find the ammo it likes and practise mainly at 100 yards.
How many benches does Silverdale have.

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