Hi All,
Thursday 25th February 2021 saw a meeting on the range between the F.A.R. inspector and the Senior Manager of Industry Regulation of F.A.R. with both Jason and myself. After four (4) months of 'stone cold silence' from F.A.R., it became apparent that I had to make a formal complaint about the lack of response from them, to get things happening.
At the beginning of the meeting, there was a lot of discussion over the F.A.R. requirements for a L.D.R. (Limited Danger Range). The moving of the 'goal posts' again was entering the discussion and it is with great sadness and disappointment, that for the near future, our 300yd line will NOT be available to use. We now have to remove a cross-berm (which we were told to install by FAR) and install a further stop-butt, directly behind our original stop-butt, to a height of 14.5m minimum, above the range floor. This is capture any ricocheting bullets fired at the 50m, 100yd and 200yd targets.
A conversation between CBSC and FAR saw a softening of the Managers' approach to further lifting of the side mounds, over 3m more with an agreeance by CBSC to install a padded frame (slide adjustable) that is to be located over the barrel and each side (not touching the barrel) to prevent vertical lift and lateral movement of the barrel. CBSC also must supply FAR with a comprehensive ballistics report chart, showing a maximum cartridge to be used as a .308Win using a 180gr projectile.
When we complete the installation of the additional stop-butt, elevation limiting on the benches and the balistics chart (by a suitably qualified expert or organisation and the chart stacking up to FAR calculations) then CBSC was given assurance that we WILL get the range approved.
Our 300yd target line will be considered in the future if we can implement further and stringent safety measures, to prevent any chance of a bullet escaping the range and onto the Putty Road, behind the firing line that has a 20m high, tree lined hill.
we Ask for any constructive ideas on this matter, which will be carefully considered.
Many thanks and kind regards
Peter Armstrong
Robert Borsak at Parliament House would be my first call.
BB Administrator
Hi Rob
Think that contact with Robert Borsak is the reason Peter now has a clear path as in the past he has been over compliant and obliging and that resulted in him being ill advised in some aspects and just being buggered around in others. Thankfully sense and someone with more authority is now in the picture and hopefully this will bring Peter a precise agenda and he can get on with the business of providing a service, a range and first class amenities to shooters.
Ann Brummell.
Hang in there Peter, you deserve a medal.