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Electronic RBA

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bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Electronic RBA

Electronic RBA with the ability to swap to sighters. Maybe this is the future, bravo Adelaide



Who do we ask for help doing this please?


bill collaros
bill collaros's picture

Jason Lowe would be a good starting point. I think it has always been possible but no one bothered in the past. This also eliminates the need for a electronic scoring system.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

22 tech
22 tech's picture

Cam programmed the RBA scoring rings & they shot it this Wed. No going back to scorers yet but should be doable. I do enjoy traversing a paper target more tho as that is a skill in itself. It is up to the clubs & membership if they want to go the RBA direction or stay with the easier targets.

Can we have this system

Can we have this system better explained?
Is this adaptable to the current Sius System?


bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Good question

I believe so Pedro.

@jason @peter ?

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

22 tech
22 tech's picture
Meyton in WA

Our club in WA uses the Meyton system which you can program any size target i think.
Unsure if going back to sighters will work yet.
No special programming so far just the different target size.


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