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Sponsors THANK YOU

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bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
Sponsors THANK YOU


I want to thank the sponsors thus far that have answered my call, many of which have done so for countless campaigns.

Target Rifle Australia.
Cleaning & Caretaking Corporation.
Benchrest Tactical.
Lowey Products.
Maccora Motors.
Simmons Logistics.
Top Gun.
Huntsman Tuners.
Mitchell's Dairy

Tra Director
Bill Collaros

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
We add another Sponsors - Paintball Sports

Target Rifle Australia.
Cleaning & Caretaking Corporation.
Benchrest Tactical.
Lowey Products.
Maccora Motors.
Simmons Logistics.
Top Gun.
Huntsman Tuners.
Mitchell's Dairy.
Paintball Sports.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

bill collaros
bill collaros's picture
We add another Sponsors - Paintball Sports

Target Rifle Australia.
Cleaning & Caretaking Corporation.
Benchrest Tactical.
Lowey Products.
Maccora Motors.
Simmons Logistics.
Top Gun.
Huntsman Tuners.
Mitchell's Dairy.
Paintball Sports.

Bill Collaros Australia
"Shoot to Thrill"

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