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2010.1 Flyshoots

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robbycar's picture
2010.1 Flyshoots

I see no reason why we should accept fly as an official discipline until they have jumped through the hoops we have to get our rulebook accepted.

Their rulebook is a joke, and until it is fixed, we should not even discuss this as National will not approve their rulebook as it stands.


Zorba's picture
Fly competiton

A new rule book has been written it will also include the standard rules and it will have to comply with the SSAA requiremnts. The discpline is now owned by the Association.

From my perspective it is another benchrest discipline just like IRB, I don't shoot either but I am charged with the responsibility and promotion of the discipline as are all state delegates.


robbycar's picture
We vote NO

I had the opportunity to canvas views from NSW shooters during the Nationals.

Our view is that Fly, whilst shot off a bench, has little other similarity with benchrest.

We believe that a better option is for them to start their own discipline.

Hence, NSW votes against the motion to add fly to our discipline.


BB Administrator

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