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BigStick's picture
Hall of Fame

Hi Guys.
Just found out that c/f has a different hall of fame than r/f. I would think we are all Benchrest shooters and we would all get the same chance to get hall of fame points.
Could someone who knows how it works explain it to me?

Michael Huebner
Michael Huebner's picture


Everyone has the same chance to enter HoF. Compete at the CF Group Nationals and the Rimfire Croup Nationals, win a yardage, aggregate etc and you will accummulate points.

There are multiple HoF's for pretty much each discipline. For those disciplines which have a HoF

The CF & Rimfire HoF on this site is for "Group" shooting only. They are seperate entities. This was done as some shooter only shoot Rimfire.

There was talk about a "Score" HoF but you would need to ask the current Chairman if that was ever put into place. Also from what I know there is no HoF for IRB rimfire. Send your request to this email address and you should get formal answers to your questions

"Quote from Rimfire Points Table":
Points are only awarded for the events of the National Championships and are based on a minimum of 20 competitors: one point for a yardage win; two for a Grand Agg. win.
Shooters require ten points for Hall of Fame entry, and may continue to amass points after qualifying

Hope that helps


Peter Armstrong Mk1
Kim Most think those nice

Most think those nice Hall of Fame jackets are only for elite (centerfire) group shooters.

It could be that rimfire BR shooters just lack enough talent to be regarded as a Hall of Fame shooter, or the deck could be stacked against rimfire shooters. But given there are NO rimfire Hall of Fame shooters and I’m told some already have enough points, there must be a reason.

Personally I think if the results from rimfire nationals in group, hunter and IRB were included in a rimfire Hall of Fame and the bar set around 15-20 points in would give us something to chase and put bums on seats at nationals.


RBA HoF #1 (2007)

Michael Huebner
Michael Huebner's picture


Don't hide "we" behind your comments and your own personal opinion. If you feel so strongly you should bring it up with your State delegate, After all it is their for the shooters so any proposal would be voted on by the shooters. And it was the shooters whom started the Rimfire HoF for the shooters.

HoF shooters deserve everything they get (which is not much except personal accomplishment) I would say all those whom have made it have sacrificed plenty. Are they the elite of Australian shooters in that category - I would hope so as it is not supposed to be easy and not a right just because you compete and win the odd comp.
The rimfire has only been around since 2007 or something like that and I am unaware if it was back dated. As I said to Kim, write to the BR Chairman and ask the question re HoF and you should get an official answer.
Australian shooters have plenty of talent , you win the points as I said to Kim and you get the reward - simple

You must appreciate that rimfire has really only taken off in this Country during the last 6-8 yrs in regard to the disciplines associated with the HoF which is what we are talking about. IRB is even younger so maybe you are right and it should be reviewed.

So put the effort in, canvas the shooters put it to a vote and you may in fact get your wish - pretty simple really


BigStick's picture
Are there points for Hunter

Are there points for Hunter class.
We have a four gun in hunter, two c/f and two r/f.
The points should not be separated into c/f and r/f they should be all in together .

Michael Huebner
Michael Huebner's picture
Kim, Your answers are in the

Your answers are in the rule book
However if you have questions re HoF put them to that email address and you should get the explanations you seek
See my reply to Peter, if you want change canvas the shooters put it to a vote and if successful you will get the change. It is the way any changes are made. Their is no elitist committee it is the shooters whom vote on the changes


BigStick's picture
Thanks Michael and the other

Thanks Michael and the other guys for your input.


Excellent reply Michael. As the latest inductee into the c/f HoF the entry rules should not be made easier. I thought there was also a minimum number of shooter requirement that was 20 - I don't think the h/c 4 gun competitor numbers have got anywhere near that for many many years.


Micky T
Micky T's picture

The RF HOF points are on this site. Just click on Hall of Fame tab up the top and go to Rimfire points. Last update was 2011. Like Brendan said it started late hence why there are no RF HOFs just yet.
The Hunterclass HOF is another story. It also didn't start the same time as CF BR. There are some that have the required points to be HC HOFs but as there are some records missing it'll seem unfair to award them HOF status until it's all sorted especially if they're not the No1 HC HOF. If you search this site's forums you'll find the thread asking for help in tracking down these records. Last time I looked there was only a couple of years missing? Someone out there must be able to help.
Anthony congratulations on your HOF status. You and all the other HOFs know what it takes to get there.
Cheers Micky T


Am not going to get into discussion on HOF procedures, classes, points etc. as Michael Huebner has given Kim and Peter sound advice but will set the record straight on the HOF jackets.

Everyone who has earned and is wearing a HOF jacket has PAID for it. This is a completely self funded exercise, no freebies.

To go back even further the set up for the design on the back of the jacket was originally paid for by 8 of the early # HOF members so technically they own the disc.

Now how do I know all this. I have been the catalyst behind this item and have arranged every HOF jacket from Day 1 and this week will organise jackets for our newest HOF member #30 - Anthony Foate.

Am pleased Peter thinks the jackets are nice as I'll take that as a compliment.


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