Has any one got the results from the Banana Coast Shoot yet
Off the top of my head; 100 yds L/V Steve Nash. 200 yds L/V Sully. Grand Sully.
100 yds H/V Steve Sori. 200 yds H/V Sully Grand Sully.
Of course he won the 2 Gun, thats all I can remember, all a bloody blur to Me! Wazza.
Congratulations Sully. Some more great shooting. Will look forward to seeing the match results
Here are some rough aggs and results
100 LV Steve Nash .218 Wazza .237 Milko .263
200LV Sully .258 Travis .293 Ira .334
GA LV Sully .274 Steve Nash .291 Travis .301
100 HV Steve Sori .235 Michael Thompson .254 Megan Wheeler .255
200HV Sully .187 Ira .296 Steve Nash .322
GA HV Sully .228 Steve Sori .299 Ira .303
2 GUN Sully .251 Steve Nash .300 Travis Russell .307
Try here : http://colgarv.id.au/SSAA/Bananacoast08.php
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Off the top of my head;
100 yds L/V Steve Nash.
200 yds L/V Sully.
Grand Sully.
100 yds H/V Steve Sori.
200 yds H/V Sully
Grand Sully.
Of course he won the 2 Gun, thats all
I can remember, all a bloody blur to Me!
Congratulations Sully. Some more great shooting. Will look forward to seeing the match results
Here are some rough aggs and results
100 LV
Steve Nash .218
Wazza .237
Milko .263
Sully .258
Travis .293
Ira .334
Sully .274
Steve Nash .291
Travis .301
100 HV
Steve Sori .235
Michael Thompson .254
Megan Wheeler .255
Sully .187
Ira .296
Steve Nash .322
Sully .228
Steve Sori .299
Ira .303
Sully .251
Steve Nash .300
Travis Russell .307
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