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robbycar's picture

Any news from springsure???


Surgeon's picture
Annie Elliott won it I think

Annie Elliott won it I think

robbycar's picture
Preliminary results

I just got a sms from Stuart:

1 Annie Elliott
2 Stuart Elliott
3 Phil Jones

1 Paul Sullivan
2 Laurie Bowe
3 Annie Elliott

2 Gun
1 Annie Elliott
2 Paul Sullivan
3 Laurie Bowe

BB Administrator

BRT's picture

LV 100
Annie Elliott
Laurie Bowe
Stuart Elliott

LV 200
Steve McCann
Phil Jones
Annie Elliott

Annie Elliott
Stuart Elliott
Phil Jones

HV 100
Paul Sullivan
Laurie Bowe
Dave Harrison

HV 200
Annie Elliott
Paul Sullivan
Gary Woods

Paul Sullivan
Laurie Bowe
Annie Elliott

Annie Elliott
Paul Sullivan
Laurie Bowe

Annie & Stuart Elliott

Michael Huebner
Michael Huebner's picture

Well done Annie


craig's picture

Well done Annie the girls are on top again

What where the conditions and aggs like


Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Congratulations to Springsure

I have just returned from Springsure Super Shoot,
Great shoot
Great weekend
Great people

Congratulations to Springsure

robbycar's picture
Full results just posted

Well done annie

BB Administrator

Michael Huebner
Michael Huebner's picture

Annie & Stuart,

So it was Reloader 10X, Spencer Barrel and bullets?
Obviously worked OK


BRT's picture
Reloader 10x etc

Michael (and others),
Just got home from Springsure tonight. Great time as usual, great place.

Yep Annie is a happy girl again....and deserves to be. She shot very well. Back to her usual form which has been missing of late. We think that has been mainly been due to scopes. After we got a third scope onto the gun just for the heck of it things just came together!

Anyway we did try a few new things at this shoot. Just to be different. I'll take a guess that this might be the first time that a major BR shoot has been won with Reloader 10x powder. No-one seems to want to try we did. The burning rate is about identical to H322 (AR2219) but is is a double based powder so has more grunt. I am not going to publish the load for obvious reasons but you can work it out being similar to H322. If someone wants more info just phone us. We also loaded every charge which an RCBS Chargemaster. The automatic powder dispenser machine. So did Phil Jones. We have been concerned for some time about variation from powder measures (all of them). I used Butch's tuner in HV. Could not make weight in LV with it on unfortunarely. Annie did use her new HV configuration for a while but just couldn't get comfortable with the heavier gun so changed back to old familiar LV configuration. Yes used Clay Spencers 68 1/2 grain bullets which we moly coated. We also took our Bonanza loading press to use so we could quick change a lot of dies and that worked a treat actually. No matter how hard you try the chambers in Annies gun and mine are different slightly and with very hot loads you need to get the resizing just right.

Congrats to the Springsure club again and all those who donated prizes. The 2nd biggest match in Australia so far this year!


Annie & Stuart Elliott

butch lambert
Congratulations Annie! That

Congratulations Annie! That is great shooting. Showed the guys, huh. Charlotte will be proud of you. Stuart, I hope you don't have a long plane trip or long drive. She will let you know who the best shooter is in the family.

Max's picture
100 agg


You started well showed us your heels,
A .1958" agg 100yd Light, no one could get near you after that.
Well done, win the Harry next!!!!


Brendan's picture
Well done, Annie. Carry that

Well done, Annie. Carry that form into the Madden and you will be in the team to South Africa.

Tony Allinson
Well Done Springsure

I have always considered the Springsure range to be a favourite but during the Super shoot, I found it to be as difficult as any of the toughest ranges around.

Annie's 100yard LV agg was bloody awsome in the conditions we shot in and she kept the pressure on the rest of us all the way. There was wind every day and it was difficult to get a handle on, for most of us, anyway. I know many were impressed with Laurie Bowe's performance as well. Sully struggled on day one but got serious after that. Great shooting by those at that front of the pack.

The Springsure Club ran a great match and we met quite a few new competitors as well.

The prize pool was exceptional and those involved in its compilation, are to be really congratulated.

The prize donors really do need our thanks and support as well. This wouldn't be possible without them.

Thank you, well done and congratulations to all involved.


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