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victorian Crayfish Classic Results

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Geoff319's picture
victorian Crayfish Classic Results

G'Day All,
i've just sent the results to Rob, hopefully they will be posted soon, but here is a summary of the results for those who can't wait.
Cheerio Geoff

Light Varmint
1.Brendan Atkinson 0.2880
2. Craig Whittleton 0.2944
3.Michael Huebner 0.3268

LV Top Results
Type Yardage Score No First Name Surname State HoF
SG 100 0.111 16 Paul Sullivan QLD HoF
AGG 100 0.2590 25 Craig Whittleton WA HoF
SG 200 0.311 25 Craig Whittleton WA HoF
AGG 200 0.2953 3000 Ross Hutchins VIC

Heavy Varmint
1. Paul Sullivan0 .2842
2.Brendan Atkinson 0.3194
3.Daniel Bennett 0.3317

HV Top Results
Type Yardage Score No First Name Surname State HoF
SG 100 0.130 16 Paul Sullivan QLD HoF
AGG 100 0.2466 16 Paul Sullivan QLD HoF
SG 200 0.318 3042 Daniel Bennett VIC
AGG 200 0.3218 16 Paul Sullivan QLD HoF

2 Gun Aggregate

Brendan Atkinson SA HoF 0.2880 0.3194 0.3037 1
Paul Sullivan QLD HoF 0.3369 0.2842 0.3105 2
Michael Huebner VIC HoF 0.3268 0.3342 0.3305 3
Craig Whittleton WA HoF 0.2944 0.3881 0.3412 4
Brian Dunn SA 0.3442 0.3722 0.3582 5
Ross Hutchins VIC 0.3318 0.4035 0.3676 6
Mark White VIC 0.4163 0.3482 0.3823 7
Danny Vagg SA 0.3670 0.4121 0.3896 8
Daniel Bennett VIC 0.4704 0.3317 0.4010 9
Geoff Wells VIC 0.4414 0.4127 0.4270 10
Steve Davis VIC 0.5278 0.3374 0.4326 11
Chris Martens SA 0.4526 0.5025 0.4776 12
Garry Wood SA 0.6260 0.3876 0.5068 13

Brendan's picture
Another excellently run shoot

Another excellently run shoot by the Davis family at Portland. Amazing what can be done with so few people.

It was a tough shoot with three of the four members of the winning Oz team from South Africa in attendance.

Numbers were down unfortunately, but this is one shoot that people should pencil in to be at. It is a very tricky range, but the weather was great as far as comfort was concerned.

BRT's picture
Well, we sympathize with you

Well, we sympathize with you all in Portland putting up with that weather while we were in Canberra enjoying nice weather (the only possible time of year in Canberra) for the 500m Fly shoot etc.
I reckon your wind drift at 200 in Portland may have been more than ours at 500m at Majura. :)

Contrats to Brendan...again. Cream rises to the top....again.

Annie & Stuart Elliott

Geoff319's picture
G'Day all, it is intertesting

G'Day all,
it is intertesting to note that LB & HB 100 yd had only one match where a group bigger than 0.200" was shot, all others were less than 0.200". I suspect it is partly due to world class shooters and "relatively" favourable conditions.
However, as Victorians, I believe we need interstate shooters to come along and promote Benchrest and challenge our skills as BR shooters so we can lift the bar and strengthen our shooting skills.
Well done to all especially the Davis Family for another great shoot. If you havent competed at Portland, seriously think about it, the region offers many attractions if you combine it as a shooting holiday. hope to see many of you at the Little River Nationals over Easter
Cheerio Geoff

craig's picture

Thanks to Portland and the Davis Family for running a great relaxing shoot, its good not to be rushed of your feet, and the way they handle everthing just goes to show you dont need that many people to run a great shoot.

Congrats to Brendan,Sully and Michael for shooting real well for two days.

As for the weather it was tricky, not strong just never staying still long enough to finish your group.

As far as the Victorians having more in the top 10 at the nationals, that sounds like a challenge to the iron fist that the West Aussies have had on the teams 4 gun trophy, with 9 West Aussies going this year do you think theres a possilbility someone else has a chance.

A little bet might be in order


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