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Speed Loader

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robbycar's picture
Speed Loader
craig's picture
What Action

Anyone got any idea what the action is, looks slick.


Craig That action does look


That action does look smooth. Apparently he made it himself. On BR central, there is discussion that he is an "professor of engineering” from Argentina and that he made all his own equipment. There is also mention that he has approval from the WBSF to run this rest / external magazine set up at WBC11 in France.

Incidentally, there was also

Incidentally, there was also some discussion on BR central that Jerry Hensler in Texas made a similar device in years past. He gave a couple to Lester Bruno who used one in a match. Apparently, he shot his group so fast the moving backer did not record 5 shots and he was penalised. The magazine has not been used at a match since.

Max's picture

Denis Tobler had one of these on his Experimental years ago; you couldn’t count the 10 shots in the backer when he went fast, it looked like a little string of shots that I would be happy with.

For anyone interested, one of

For anyone interested, one of the Canadians took a picture of the rest/loader at the WBC which shows the other side:

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