I decided to see whether there was any conclusive picture available on attendance at National Sporter events since the move to unlimited scope. From memory, the first Sporter match under these rules at a Nationals was 2004, but I may be misremembering. Please correct me I am wrong here. For data I used the results on this site, hence I go back as far as 1991. To try to increase the data for unrestricted entries, I have used the 2009 nominations thus far. I acknowledge this data is not ideal, but thought it was worth working with.
Certainly the highest attendance at a single match (2000) was in the limited scope era. In general, the trend *appears* to be increasing, however on average across the years, attendance at the 12 power limited matches averages 41.2 people, whereas the attendance since 2004 at “unlimited” matches averages 40 people. Anyhow, despite the fact that this doesn’t tell a conclusive story either way, I thought it may be of interest to others.
Sporter attendance – numbers interesting (to me), but inconclusive
14 March, 2009 - 01:04
Sporter attendance – numbers interesting (to me), but inconclusive
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