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Ammo selection

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Peter Armstrong Mk1
Ammo selection

On the other thread before it was deleted there was talk of club shooters getting lots of flyers. My view is it would be more to do with cleaning and the guns than the ammo.

To get the best out of Eley your action must have good ignition if it doesn’t you’ll get flyer. With the Eley primer system the powder goes in the case and a drop of liquid is added and powder turns into a priming compound, much safer to do it that way. The powder goes a bit granular with a wax type coating over the top. If your ignition is not strong enough to burn off all the priming compound you end up grains of primer held together with the wax going down the barrel after the bullet, next round down barrel the bullet picks up the crap and you get a flyer.

Lapua use the Eley priming system but Lapau lots are faster than Eley so I’d say the extra heat they are generating in the case to make the bullet to go faster is burning more of primer compound.

But ever since I’ve been shooting, guns with limited ignition have alway shot better with RWS and that is a world wide trend, but we are not seeing anyone winning big matches with it these days.

My objective has always been to win big matches and I only use the best and that why I have a 2 lug Turbo and feed it Eley.
