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NSW Hunter Class

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Tony Allinson
NSW Hunter Class

Rob, could you please change the Match Schedule to show that, for the NSW Hunter Class Titles in May and December, the Heavy class will be shot on the Saturday and the Light class shot on the Sunday.

Thanks Rob.

robbycar's picture

all fixed

BB Administrator

Tony Allinson
Thanks Rob, much

Thanks Rob, much appreciated.


Tony Allinson
Rob, I have just checked the

Rob, I have just checked the match schedule and it is still the same, nothing has changed.

I tried to alter it myself but the file is locked.


Tony Allinson
December Wrong

Rob, thanks for fixing the match schedule for May but the December info is now saying Centrefire instead of Rimfire. It should be HRF on the Saturday and LRF on the Sunday.


robbycar's picture

Sorry Tony, should be fixed now.


BB Administrator

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