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Colo River - Getting close!

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robbycar's picture
Colo River - Getting close!

Update from Peter Armstrong:

Lucky for us that Construction is exempt in this Corona virus situation and we at CBSC are still working at the moment! The eyebrow is being filled with gravel this weekend and the first yardage of target frames will be fixed in position . A big thanks to my good friend John Babic for supplying them! Pozitrack carrying out a lot of levelling around the range this weekend as well! More updates coming soon!


wally289's picture
Colo River

it is certainly coming together nicely and the photos tell a thousand words but if I may as I am trying to get the range set up this way in the last photo the one of the steel frames are these the target feet so to speak thanks



Keith Smith
Keith Smith's picture
Looking Good

Looking good Peter lot of hard work been going there.

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