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QLD 4 Gun State Championship

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John B
John B's picture
QLD 4 Gun State Championship

The QLD state 4 gun is on in a few weeks time.
It's a great place to shoot so I'm clearing my calendar and heading north to try keep those local fellas honest.
Hope to see many of you there.

Thu 29/09/2022 - Practice
Fri 30/09/2022 - Unlimited
Sat 01/10/2022 - Light BR
Sun 02/10/2022 - Heavy BR
Mon 03/10/2022 - Sporter

You can register here on Benchrest Bulletin.

chrisjon65's picture
QLD state

Greet news , we’ll done to all concerned.
We are struggling to get benchrest venues and this is good news for everyone in QLD and beyond.

David mac
David mac's picture
QLD 4 gun

Hi everyone
For Unforeseen circumstances we have had to change the date for the Queensland 4 gun to the 27th through to 31 October. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope to see you all there

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