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2009 Madden date?

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2009 Madden date?

The match schedule section doesnt list a match date. Am I correct in assuming this will be on the 7th & 8th Nov?

BRT's picture
Harry Madden Dates

I emailed the info through to Rob last month but he hasn't updated the Match schedule yet.
The Madden is always held on the 2nd weekend in November which is 14th & 15th. This year it will be part of the Qld State 4 gun. The 4 day event will be 13, 14, 15 & 16 with the Fly shoot on 17th. LV & HV will be on the Sat/Sun and we will confirm the other classes soon.

Annie & Stuart Elliott

Thanks Stuart

Thanks Stuart

robbycar's picture
Its done

I have updated the match schedule.

You my need to delete your cache and reload page to see the new file.


BB Administrator

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