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1000yd benchrest US/AUS Postal Comp

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1000yd benchrest US/AUS Postal Comp

Hi all , Those that have not heard ,there is now a Year long Postal competition ongoing between The IBS Virginia 1000yd benchrest club and any Australian 1000yd ranges in 2009.. 1st matchs at Canberra and Virginia have been shot already ,Results are posted on AUSV and OZFLCASS and BRC.. Next match is available at either Brisbane or Canberra in July ,Contact Dave Goodridge for the details .. Some rules and regulations need to be adhered to to be eligible ,so check 1st .. I hear the match at Canberra everybody was in on the shoot format 100% ,A big congrats to Dave G for getting this off the ground ..On ya Mate..JR..Jeff Rogers