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2010.11 Junior Rimfire Shooters

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robbycar's picture
2010.11 Junior Rimfire Shooters

Does anyone know how many juniors we have in these events?

I would hate to present a trophy if there are only 1 or 2 shooters, as happened once at the Super Shoot. I donated the trophies at the time, and I was particularly shitty about this.


phil's picture

I remember the shoot Rob, where you donated some excellent quality trophy's for the juniors and one junior walked away with many of the trophies.
There was a bad taste in everyone's mouth as some of the circumstances were a little sus.

Zorba's picture
Junior trophies

I can see both viewpoints and I have to agree with Maureen that we should make an award to Juniors who compete shoulder to shoulder with us.

If there is only a couple you could give the best performer a small plaque which states "Junior Award" and the 2nd placegetter can get a "performance" or "achievement" certificate.

It is my opinion that you don't offer a "champion" trophy until you have at least 5 competitors as I assume it is a registered match we are talking about here.

At club matches you can do as you like.


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